AFS International in Roden, the Netherlands, supplies metal panel systems for facades and roofs of buildings, which are designed on a project basis in collaboration with architects, contractors and installers, among others.
Aluminium sandwich roof panels
For a project that is being carried out in Russia, more than 2,700 panels are supplied that are used as covering for a roof. The panels consist of a sandwich construction of aluminum alloy plates, glued with an aluminum alloy honeycomb, and vary in shape from almost rectangular to triangular, with a maximum surface area of a few square meters. The panels are loaded by a combination of snow and wind.
The VIRO Engineering Analysis department has optimized both the total thickness and the thickness of the skin plates for these panels on the basis of Eurocode rules. The calculations were performed using the finite element method, taking into account both the equivalent strength of the honeycomb material and the strength of the adhesive.
The basics of the calculation, a description of the calculation model and the results were documented in a report. This report is used in assisting with the required approvals from the local authorities.