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industrial projects

Clean energy from tidal stream

In a pilot project by Ecofys, energy is generated from the tidal stream at the Oosterscheldedam. In this project we were responsible for the engineering of a bridging construction, with which several wave rotors between two dam pillars can be positioned. This had to be rugged enough to carry the weight of the rotors and withstand the forces of the flow. It was not allowed to change the pillars and the stress, which affects on the pillars, is not allowed to do any harm.

Basic Design tidal stream

After the initial concept design and a completed grant application, the project was taken over by Oceanmill, a company that places the wave rotor commercially on the market. As partners, we cared for the basic design. Therefore, among other things, the installation options and various requirements that are placed on structures in the Oosterscheldedam had to be considered.

If you would like to know more about what VIRO can do for you, please contact one of our specialists at your nearest VIRO office.