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December 21, 2020

In the closing days of the year 2020, we were thrilled to announce that VIRO was awarded ISO27001 certification.

The initial audit took place in 2018 and 2019 respectively for VIRO offices in Osnabrück and Echt, after which the scope was extended to all of VIRO's offices.

In September 2020, the remaining VIRO offices and the head office were audited. In part due to the coronavirus, this was conducted via a remote audit. In recent months, we have worked hard to correct the points for improvement and successfully achieved this. We have therefore been awarded the ISO27001 certificate we pursued.

VIRO's management is also pleased that information security at the company is in order. ‘Naturally, this was our aim and we want to ensure that information security is in good order for our customers. However, receiving the confirmation is when you know for sure. It feels great,’ explains Huub Kottink – Financial Director at VIRO.

ISO 27001

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