Cooperation CoreDux and VIRO: knowledge sharing for industry success
Recently, CoreDux and VIRO organised a training provided by Mr Eric Reijven of CoreDux, which was followed both live and via a livestream by as many as 115 VIRO colleagues. This training, based on mutual knowledge sharing, focused on process improvement and sharing best practices in our collaboration.
In a sector where many companies are reluctant to share knowledge, VIRO actually opts for openness towards partners. By looking into each other's kitchen, we strengthen each other; VIRO as a supplier of semi-finished products and CoreDux as an end manufacturer. Through the VIRO Academy, we offer training that leads to more efficiency, fewer errors and faster processes.
Together, we take steps to ensure quality, something that is crucial for all our customers. Knowledge sharing is our key to success and we are proud that this is going so well.