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the performance of technology
Background Image Viro Group VIR048 07 ENG 240429 Precisietechnologie website DIG
mechanical engineering

As smart as you want

Optimum uptime, productivity and flexibility, the lowest possible operational costs, and a favourable return on investment. Industry 4.0 (with the self-regulating production line capacity) as a strategy for building successful business cases. This is what it is all about in regular or special mechanical engineering. At VIRO we do this for and in cooperation with our clients: production companies, mechanical engineers, and suppliers.

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Icon mechanical engineering - VIRO EN
mechanical engineering

VIRO’s roots are in mechanical engineering

We have built up a great deal of expertise in this field and concentrate on issues that are beyond the reach of standard solutions. Sometimes our work involves the custom optimisation of existing machines. At other times it may be a pioneering, customer-specific complete solution. We also handle smaller projects and subprojects with just as much enthusiasm and powerful ideas.

Our added value lies in practical ideas, innovation, and progression. We can also take total responsibility for the solutions, even when engaged in co-development with our partners. Solutions that, if required, we can integrate, test and implement independently from start to finish.

prototype construction icon - VIRO EN prototype construction
serial production icon - VIRO EN serial production
special mechanical engineering icon - VIRO EN special mechanical engineering
hightech machines icon - VIRO EN hightech machines


Portrait of Jeroen Scheublin - Viro Group
Jeroen Scheublin
Arnhem Mail icon - VIRO EN Mail mij Phone icon - VIRO EN Bel mij
Portrait of Rupert Janssen - Viro Group
Rupert Janssen
Echt en Herentals (BE) Mail icon - VIRO EN Mail mij Phone icon - VIRO EN Bel mij
Portrait of Klaas Krol - Viro Group
Klaas Krol
Groningen Mail icon - VIRO EN Mail mij Phone icon - VIRO EN Bel mij
Portrait of Ernst Stokkelaar - Viro Group
Ernst Stokkelaar
Hengelo Mail icon - VIRO EN Mail mij Phone icon - VIRO EN Bel mij
Portrait of Marcel Mataheru - Viro Group
Marcel Mataheru
Schiedam Mail icon - VIRO EN Mail mij Phone icon - VIRO EN Bel mij
Portrait of Michiel de Jongh - Viro Group
Michiel de Jongh
Schiedam Mail icon - VIRO EN Mail mij Phone icon - VIRO EN Bel mij
Portrait of Dirk van der Bijl - Viro Group
Dirk van der Bijl
Groningen en Zwolle Mail icon - VIRO EN Mail mij Phone icon - VIRO EN Bel mij

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what our customers think of us

Masévon about VIRO

The collaboration between Masévon and VIRO is based on trust. We tackle the technical challenges together, strengthen each other, solve problems together and bring out the best in each other.

Elgar van der Bij
Sales Director,
Masévon Technology Group

partnership oriented

Success through cooperation

What can we do to help boost your performance of technology? First we will sound ideas out with you until we get to the heart of the matter. You take us through your situation and the crux of your challenge. Do you want to accelerate your time to market? Reduce your costs? Do more to innovate, with minimal risk? Improve expertise or increase flexibility in your engineering team? Get your team to concentrate on the essentials? Together, we will draw up an inventory of your aims, ideas, and opportunities. We won’t think for you, we’ll share ideas with you. What is the best form of cooperation to achieve your plans and help you succeed? By examining your strategy and objectives, you can then get the maximum benefit out of our partnership.

Partnership oriented

What can we do to help boost your performance of technology?